Student Records

Nephex Flight lets you create comprehensive student records with all of the detail you're used to but accessible from anywhere. Students can access their records to stay up to date with their progress from home.

Training Sessions

Add session logs for flight training or ground school activities, to student records, and log the number of hours flown.

Sessions can cover one or multiple exercises from the student’s current assigned syllabus and these can be added to the log using a drag-and-drop interface.

Sittings & Exams

Easily control the status of each sitting and keep track of exam scores, and papers taken, for each student.

Create exams in the exam screen with the number of questions posed and the minimum score needed. When a student sits an exam you can fill in the supporting information here.

Sittings will open and close automatically based on the dates added or can be closed manually by instructors.

Create mock exams with multiple choice questions to optimise a student’s chance at success.

Get in Touch

If you’d like to get in touch about anything you’ve seen on our website, or have any questions that need answering you can call us on 0330 335 5511.

Click on the buttons below to send us a message, get a quote, or book a demo.

Nephex Flight is specialised Flight Training Software designed to help Flight Schools, Instructors and Students, manage their flight training easily whilst improving the experience for instructors and students.

© 2019 Nephex Flight School. All Rights Reserved.

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