
Nephex Plane logo

Designed with Flight Schools,
for Flight Schools

Nephex Flight is a product of Nephos Solutions, a UK based software development company with more than 15 years of experience developing and implementing SaaS ( Software as a service) and cloud applications in various industries. Nephex Flight was co-designed with Flight Schools and Pilots to find the best solutions for their specific needs.

Q1 2017

Juan Santana, CTO and co-founder at Nephos Solutions,  fuelled with a passion for flying started his PPL training.

Q1 2018

After one year being a flight school student himself, Juan realised there was an opportunity to make things easier for Flight Schools and students regarding paperwork, access to online training records and to improve the  overall flight training experience.

Q2 2018

Combining his passion for flying and  30 years of experience in Software development, Juan and Nephos Solutions started developing Flight School Software that could make things easier for Flight Schools, Flight clubs and students.

Q4 2018

The Nephex Flight development team started working with

Sherburn Aero Club, one of the biggest flight clubs in the north of England to create flight school software specialised for Flight schools needs and complex operations.

Q2 2019

Nephex Flight Software V1 is released to market and officially introduced to the aviation Industry at AeroExpo UK June 13th-15th 2019

Designed with Flight Schools, for Flight Schools

Nephex Flight is a product of Nephos Solutions, a UK-based software development company with more than 15 years experience developing and implementing SaaS(Software as a Service) and cloud applications across various industries. Nephex Flight was co-designed with Flight Schools and Pilots to find the best solutions for their specific needs.

Q1 2017

Q1 2018

Juan Santana, CTO and co-founder at Nephos Solutions,  fuelled with a passion for flying started his PPL training.

After one year being a flight school student himself, Juan realised there was an opportunity to make things easier for Flight Schools and students regarding paperwork, access to online training records and to improve the  overall flight training experience.

Q2 2018

Q4 2018

Q2 2019

Combining his passion for flying and  30 years of experience in Software development, Juan and Nephos Solutions started developing Flight School Software that could make things easier for Flight Schools, Flight clubs and students.

The Nephex Flight development team started working with Sherburn Aero Club, one of the biggest flight clubs in the north of England to create flight school software specialised for Flight schools needs and complex operations.

Nephex Flight Software V1 is released to market and officially introduced to the aviation Industry at AeroExpo UK June 13th-15th 2019